They had stuck to the letter of the law and in my view they should be ashamed. 他们死抠法律字眼。依我看他们应该感到惭愧。
In general, though, I wonder if Sun while abiding to the letter of the law isn't violating the spirit of the law ( of open source and community). 总之,我想知道Sun虽然一直将法律放在首位是否没有违反法律精神(开放源码和社区方面)。
The company said: We review each request to make sure that it complies with both the spirit and the letter of the law, and we may refuse to produce information or in some cases will try to narrow down the request. 谷歌表示:我们会审查每份请求,保证其与当地法律意旨及明文规定相一致,某些情况下,我们会拒绝提供信息或对其要求不予完全满足。
While treating all taxpayers the same would cure the discrimination cited by the court, it conflicts with both the letter of the qualified small business stock law and its underlying legislative intent. 尽管对所有纳税人一视同仁可以消除法院裁决中提到的歧视,但它既违反了合格小企业股票法,也有悖于这个法案根本的立法意图。
The leaders were concerned about the "letter of the law". 领袖们关心“律法的条文”。
I will consider what the Law says, however, I do not have stick to the letter of the law, it can be based on the balance of probability. 我会从法律方面进行考虑,但是我不会完全依据法律条款(文字)。我会基于可能性较高者做出决定。
You intend to uphold the letter of the law, no matter what it costs? 你想不惜一切代价去遵守法律条文?
Nevertheless, he criticises the rules-based style of US accounting and says it enabled devious minds to breach the spirit, if not the letter, of the law. 然而,他批评美国会计制度以规则为本的风格,并表示,一些心术不正的人因此得以违反会计法精神(如果不是会计法条文的话)。
But I have an idea I think might satisfy all of us and also adhere to the letter of the law. 但是我有一个办法,我想可以令所有人满意,同时遵守法律条文。
Strict conformity to the letter of the law rather than its spirit. 严格遵守法律条文而不是法律精神。
Holding to the letter of the law, the judge sentenced the prisoner to the maximum penalty. 法官严格遵循法律条文,判处该囚犯以最重刑。
Some interpretations of the Gospels, particularly amongst Protestants, suggest that Jesus opposed stringent interpretations of Jewish law, supporting the spirit more than the letter of the law. 一些福音书的解释,尤其是在新教徒之中,暗示出耶稣反对犹太律法严厉的解释,支持灵性更多于支持文字上的律法。
If bankers consider only whether they are complying with specific legal rules, they will create "alegal" transactions deals that fit the letter of the law but violate its spirit. 如果银行家只考虑是否符合具体的法规,他们就会创造“合法的”交易表面符合法律条文,但违背法律精神。
They followed neither the spirit nor the letter of the law. 他们既不遵从法律的精神也不理睬它的文字。
Tyranny is never upheld through law; it is upheld through thousands of bureaucrats that follow the letter of the law just because they believe in rules and law. 暴君为什么能够维持统治?就是因为他手下有千千万万盲目守法的官僚。
They keep to the letter of the law. 他们不折不扣地遵守法律条文。
Bear trouble with endurance, but follow the law, if not always the letter that is list the spirit of the law. 要在困苦中忍耐,但是要遵守法律。法律的精神或许就在忍耐之中吧。
Indeed, the biggest banks typically hired armies of lawyers to ensure that the letter of the law was respected, even as the spirit was perverted in increasingly creative, amoral ways. 事实上,大型银行通常会雇用大量律师,以确保法律的字面条文得到遵守尽管法律的精神正受到日益新颖和有违道德的歪曲。
Whether people follow the letter of the law or just the spirit of the law, they recognize the need for laws to keep order in society. 不管人们是完全守法还是只遵守法律的精神,他们认同以法律来维持社会秩序的需要。
It is best if they have teachers who appreciate their unique approach and who do not hold them to the letter of the law. 如果他们有欣赏他们的独特方法、并且不会坚持让他们写法律信函的老师,这就最好了。
Trying to fit in by following the letter of the law will not give us the gains in productivity promised by Agile. 以遵循字面意义的方式寻求变通,并不能让我们获得敏捷承诺的生产力提升。
The spirit of the law, not the letter of the law, should be your guide. 指导你的是规则的精神实质,而不是规则的文字本身。
The jury clearly thought that the spirit, not the letter, of the law was more important in this case. 陪审团明确认为在这个案例中法律的内涵比其字面意义更为重要。
Goldman has been reduced to brandishing the letter of the law and insisting that it adhered to market practice, which is not the same as ethical principle. 高盛已经沦落到挥舞着法律条文,坚称自己符合市场惯例的地步,这与道德准则不是一回事。
We must obey the spirit, not merely the letter, of the law. 我们必须从精神实质上遵守法律,而不是死扣条文。
The system of acquisition of shareholders 'letter of authorization is a new question for study in the fields of corporation law and securities law. 征集股东委托书制度是我国近年来公司法学界、证券法学界共同关注的一个新课题。
Standby letter of credit origins in America for reason of circumventing the law, which prohibits bank issuing guarantees. At the beginning, standby letter of credit was mainly used in America and independent bank guarantee in Europe. 由于规避美国法律禁止开立银行担保的规定,备用信用证起源于美国,并且起初主要应用于美国,而欧洲基本上使用银行独立担保。
The Constitution is a letter of authorization from the people, thus the constitution is the law which controls the public authority and protects the people's right. 宪法是人民授权政府的一份授权委托书,因而宪法是控制公共权力的控权法,同时又是保护人民权利的保权法;
In exploring the practical aspects of law of Letter credit risk, analysis of the relevant typical cases, So that readers can feel more intuitive application of the letter of credit essentials and coping strategies, To increase the practice of the law guiding significance. 在探讨信用证风险防范法实践方面,解析了相关典型案例,使读者能更直观的感受到信用证的适用要领与应对策略,加大了法实践的指导意义。